Success Series #7: Intro to Advanced Searches

ThoughtSpot Community HQ

Jul 8, 2021, 7:00 – 7:30 PM (UTC)

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About this event

Introducing the ThoughtSpot Success Series Series!

Want to expand your knowledge of ThoughtSpot? Want to learn some great tips and tricks? Join ThoughtSpot's Customer Success team & other users as we discuss various topics in our new Success Series. During this event, we'll cover advanced keywords including; year over year, month over month, and so much more!

In this event, you'll be able to ask any questions you might have on this topic using the chat functionality.



Thursday, July 8, 2021
7:00 PM – 7:30 PM (UTC)


7:00 PMWelcome and Introductions
7:05 PMIntro to Advanced Searches
7:20 PMQuestion & Answers

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